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Article ID: 2772

"Using XML with Inmagic® WebPublisher PRO" Information

Product(s): WebPublisher PRO v9 and later, CS/WebPublisher PRO v9 and later

Using XML with Inmagic® WebPublisher PRO

Using XML with Inmagic® WebPublisher PRO

Copyright © 2006 Inmagic, Inc. All rights reserved.


WebPublisher PRO allows users to add, modify, batch modify and delete records in their textbases via the Web using XML. The documentation and sample files demonstrate adding a new record, editing an existing record, deleting a record, and using batch modify to update multiple records at once. The Web page will read information from an HTML form and submit that information to WebPublisher PRO. The ASP page will then display the response from WebPublisher PRO reporting the status of the update.

The purpose is to illustrate the usage of the XML interface with WebPublisher PRO. An understanding of ASP and JavaScript is assumed. The documentation will focus on the following steps that are essential to the use of XML with WebPublisher PRO:

  1. Creating an XML file/string to submit to WebPublisher PRO
  2. Sending that XML to WebPublisher PRO and catching the XML returned by WebPublisher PRO
  3. Processing the returned XML.

The documentation and accompanying application apply to both DB/Text WebPublisher PRO and CS/WebPublisher PRO.


Note: These requirements apply to the included sample code, not to WebPublisher PRO. The same basic concepts shown here could apply to any technology that supports XML including but not limited to: ASP.NET, Java, ColdFusion, PHP, and so forth.

The reader is assumed to have some knowledge of and comfort with XML, as well as the ability to construct Web applications.

Installing the tutorial and sample code


To download the “Using XML with Inmagic WebPublisher PRO” document, click this link “Using XML with Inmagic WebPublisher PRO”.


  1. Extract the files in WPPV9XmlDoc.ZIP into a folder that is accessible by IIS, the Sample subfolder under your root WebPublisher PRO installation folder, for instance.
  2. Use the Internet Services Manager to give the folder permissions to run scripts.
  3. Verify that the Cars textbase exists in the Sample subfolder under the root WebPublisher PRO installation folder. This folder should have Write permissions set for the default account (usually IUSR_computername) used by IIS for authentication. The Sample subfolder and the Cars textbase are created during the installation of WebPublisher PRO. If you did not choose to install the sample textbase when installing WebPublisher PRO, you will need to run the install again.  


  1. Open the file XmlToWPP.asp using Notepad or other text editor. Look for the following line near the top of the file:

         var gWebPubDLL = "http://localhost/dbtw-wpd/exec/dbtwpub.dll";


If you are a Content Server customer, also change the virtual directory and DLL name as follows:

     var gWebPubDLL = "http://localhost//ics-wpd/exec/icswppro.dll";

Note that if you will not be running the sample code locally, change the server name (localhost) to the one where your copy of WebPublisher PRO is installed.


  1. To get started and launch the “Using XML with Inmagic WebPublisher PRO” document, click on GettingStarted.htm.


This document and sample code is also available from the Inmagic Customer Extranet.  In the Product Documentation section, it is available in the WebPublisher PRO v9 and Content Server v9 documentation set.

If you have any questions or need assistance, contact Inmagic Technical Support,

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