Inmagic® DB/TextWorks® Version 15.0 README

Copyright © 1995-2015 Inmagic (a subsidiary of SydneyPLUS International Library Systems). All rights reserved.

About Inmagic® DB/TextWorks®

DB/TextWorks is a content management system—a type of database software that enables you to build networked and standalone textbases to manage text, numbers, dates, and electronic images. DB/TextWorks combines traditional database power, including the ability to manipulate data and perform arithmetic calculations, with the ability to handle large amounts of text. When you want to publish your textbase(s) over the Web, you can use either DB/Text WebPublisher PRO or Presto for DB/Text.

Important Notes

Important! The features implemented in the textbase structures and designers described below mean that textbases created using version 15.0 or upgraded to version 15.0 are not compatible with any Inmagic product prior to version 15.0. You will need to upgrade DB/Text WebPublisher, DB/Text PowerPack, DB/SearchWorks Run-time, and so on to version 15.0 before you will be able to use them with a version 15.0 textbase. When you open an existing textbase with DB/TextWorks version 15.0, you will be prompted to upgrade the textbase. If you upgrade the textbase, you will not be able to access the textbase with any Inmagic product prior to version 15.0.

For example: If you use Inmagic Genie, you will need to open each Genie textbase (GenieKey, Catalog, etc.) in DB/TextWorks to upgrade it to 15.0. If your textbase includes any Link fields, you will need to open the secondary/associated textbases directly (File>Open) to upgrade them to 15.0. If your textbase uses the Thesaurus feature, you will need to open the thesaurus textbase directly (File>Open) to upgrade it to 15.0. And so on.

What's New in this Version?

Each new and enhanced feature is discussed briefly here. For more information on a feature, see the online help, unless otherwise noted. If applicable, the Inmagic Software Feature Request number follows each item listed.

Removed Features

The following features are no longer available in DB/TextWorks.

Addressed Issue

The following issue is addressed by this version. The applicable Inmagic Software Problem Report (SPR) number is enclosed in [square brackets].

Known Issue

Additional Documentation and Help Resources

Below is a list of the documentation and help resources for DB/TextWorks. All of these documents and resources are available on the Inmagic Customer Extranet. Some may be installed with the software as well.